What are Roof Rats and How to Get Rid of Them?

Roof rats are typically darker than other species of mouse or rat, with gray highlights running through their fur. These animals have pointed noses and large eyes that stand out against the darkness of their coat’s coloration.

The average adult rat ranges between 6 to 8 inches long when measured from nose down.

Roof rats are one of the most common types of pests that live on roofs. They can be seen scurrying around looking for food, but what you may not know about these little guys is their ability to scale fences and climb trees!

Are roof rats dangerous?

Roof rats are destructive creatures that can cause major damage in just one day. They’ll chew on anything and everything that comes their way!

They can also be a serious problem for homeowners. Rats will destroy anything that comes into their territory – from insulation to wires and pipes. Moreover, because of their constantly growing teeth, it’s possible that one day an attack could result in more significant damage!

Rodents are not only destructive and dirty, but they’re also pesky! Their habits can lead to fires or water damage inside your structure. Along with destroying property and contaminating food, rats spread diseases like the plague that could affect you as well- especially if it’s fleas from their fur landing on something valuable at home, such as an antique rug collection.

Roof rats are slimy creatures who love to transmit diseases. Roof rat bacteria have been linked with serious illnesses such as Salmonellosis, dysentery, and other multiplier-resistant infections that can be life-threatening in some cases!

Where do roof rats nest?

Roof rats have a nasty habit of climbing up into or on your house and living there. They’re also known to nest high in trees but will also make holes under plants or woodpiles if they feel threatened inside buildings!

Rat infestations are not only found in the most unlikely of places. They can also be seen running around outside, so keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious-looking creatures!

Why do I have a roof rat problem?

Roof rats are creatures that seem to be everywhere. They’re drawn toward properties with easy access for food and shelter, like bird or wild animal feeders; unsecured trash cans, which allow them easy pickings in your recycling bin every day if it’s not tightly secured at all times. Pet foods can also attract these pests because they smell tasty. And finally, don’t forget about compost piles wherein they can get food abundantly.

How do I get Rid of Roof Rats?

When your home is infested with pesky roof rats, it can be hard to know what the best course of action should involve. There are many pest control companies out there that offer trapping services.

Pest control companies use modern pest control methods and products available today that are proven effective in eliminating these pests living around homes or businesses. You can trust their team of experts for reliable service when it comes time to eliminate those nasty creatures from your property once and forever.

We know that preventing problems is easier than curing them, so we want to help you out! Call us today for all your rat pest control needs.

How can I Prevent Future problems with Roof Rats?

The best way to prevent problems with roof rats is by performing an inspection of your home’s foundation, exterior walls, and any other areas around the utilities entering into it. You should also seal up any holes or gaps found during this process!

To keep roof rats out, make sure that tree branches are trimmed back, and any firewood you have stored on your property is at least 20 feet away from the exterior of your home. You should also secure all trash cans with tight-fitting lids, so they don’t get opened by these pesky creatures!

For extra protection against them, remove bird feeders since this can be easily marginalized once there’s nothing left worth eating inside. Repair leaky pipes if necessary to make sure a rat problem won’t occur.

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